Best Crystals for Meditation

Best Crystals for Meditation

Meditation is a powerful tool for relaxation, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, and crystals can be a helpful aid for deepening your meditation practice. Crystals are believed to have unique energetic properties that can help calm the mind and bring you into a deeper state of awareness, and carrying a few carefully chosen crystals with you can help you get the most out of your meditation practice. Here are the best crystals for deep meditation:

  1. Amethyst

Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz that is often associated with spiritual and psychic development. It is said to help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace, making it a great choice for meditation. Amethyst is also believed to help improve intuition and psychic abilities, making it a good choice for people who want to explore their inner wisdom. To use amethyst for meditation, you can hold it in your hand, place it on your third eye or crown chakra, or wear it as a pendant or bracelet.

  1. Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a deep blue crystal that is associated with wisdom, truth, and self-awareness. It is said to help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace, making it a great choice for meditation. Lapis lazuli is also believed to help improve communication and self-expression, making it a good choice for people who want to explore their inner wisdom and speak their truth. To use lapis lazuli for meditation, you can hold it in your hand, place it on your throat chakra, or wear it as a pendant or bracelet.

  1. Celestite

Celestite is a pale blue crystal that is associated with the higher planes of consciousness and spiritual connection. It is said to help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace, making it a great choice for meditation. Celestite is also believed to help improve communication with higher beings and the angelic realm, making it a good choice for people who want to explore their spiritual connection and connect with their higher self. To use celestite for meditation, you can hold it in your hand, place it on your third eye or crown chakra, or wear it as a pendant or bracelet.

  1. Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is a clear variety of quartz that is often associated with clarity and healing. It is said to help amplify and amplify the energies of other crystals, making it a great choice for meditation. Clear quartz is also believed to help improve concentration and focus, making it a good choice for people who want to stay focused and present during meditation. To use clear quartz for meditation, you can hold it in your hand, place it on your third eye or crown chakra, or use it in a crystal grid.

  1. Smokey Quartz

Smokey quartz is a dark grey or brown-colored crystal that is associated with grounding and protection. It is said to help calm the mind and promote a sense of inner peace, making it a great choice for meditation. Smokey quartz is also believed to help improve focus and clarity, making it a good choice for people who want to stay present and focused during meditation. To use smokey quartz for meditation, you can hold it in your hand, place it on your root chakra, or wear it as a pendant or bracelet.

It's important to note that the use of crystals for meditation is a personal and subjective experience, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment with different crystals and see what resonates with you. It's also a good idea to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly to ensure that they are working at their highest potential.

In conclusion, the best crystals for deep meditation include amethyst, lapis lazuli, celestite, clear quartz, and smokey quartz. These crystals are believed to have calming, soothing energies that can help deepen your meditation practice and promote a sense of inner peace. Use them in a way that feels meaningful and comfortable for you, and remember to cleanse and charge them regularly. Happy meditating!

Written by Earthly Secrets AI


  • Jocelyn

    My favorite crystal to meditate with is clear quartz, specifically lemurian quartz! I have one from the EarthlySecrets shop and it’s one of my favorite pieces of all time. Sooo amazing for giving clarity and divine guidance!

  • Breyauna

    I remember when I had a doctor’s appointment that I was very very nervous about. Like I had just stressed myself completely out. I took a clear quartz with me or I had it in my purse already. I sat with it for a minute in my hands and prayed to alleviate the stress. That was my first time experiencing the power of meditation with crystal. The clear quartz was perfect when I took it out of my purse it and after my session it was cracked all the way through.

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